4 Reasons Good Employees Lose Their Motivation
CLARK R. - SAXBERG R., 4 Reasons Good Employees Lose Their Motivation, Harvard Business Review, March-April 2019 Abstract Motivation — the willingness to get the job done by starting rather [...]
CLARK R. - SAXBERG R., 4 Reasons Good Employees Lose Their Motivation, Harvard Business Review, March-April 2019 Abstract Motivation — the willingness to get the job done by starting rather [...]
Presidente, Magnifico Rettore, Autorità, Signore e Signori, mi sento onorato ed emozionato di essere stato coinvolto in questo importante evento della vostra Università, che venticinque anni or sono ho contribuito [...]
È stato pubblicato come supplemento allegato al n. 9 2015 di Harvard Business Review Italia il book of readeings della METHODS Spa. Gli articoli pubblicati sono una interessante raccolta su [...]
KIRBY J., Clay Christensen on Peter Drucker. Harvard Business Review, November 2014 Abstract Since first articulating his revelatory insight into how incumbent firms fall prey to disruption, Clay Christensen of [...]
WINSTON A., Resilience in a hotter world. Harvard Business Review, April 2014 Abstract Wild weather is taking a toll on people and businesses around the globe. In late 2011 devastating [...]
BREGMAN P., The biggest myth in time management. Harvard Business Review, January 2012 Abstract Brad* is as hard a worker as anyone I know. He’s not just busy, he’s keenly [...]
COYNE K.P. - COYNE S.T., Seven Step to better brainstorming. McKinsey, March 2011 Abstract Most attempts at brainstorming are doomed. To generate better ideas—and boost the odds that your organization [...]
SCHIFF M., Intellectual Property Checklist. Blaneys on Business, March, 2011 Abstract Creative ideas in product development and marketing provide opportunities for a company to get ahead of the competition. If [...]
DOBBS R. - LUND S. - SCHREINER A., How the growth of emerging markets will strain global finance. McKinsey Global Institute, dicembre, 2010 Abstract Surging demand for capital, led by [...]
KOTTER J., Four Ways to kill a good idea. Harvard Business Review, October, 2010 Abstract Every visionary knows the frustration of pitching a great idea, only to see it killed [...]
SAUTNER Z. - VILLALONGA B., Corporate Governance and Internal Capital Markets (January 2010). Harvard Business School Finance Working Paper No. 1530565; AFA 2011 Denver Meetings Paper Abstract What is the [...]
CHESBROUGH H. - GARMAN A.R., How open innovation can help you cope in lean times. Harvard Business Review, December 2009 Abstract History shows that the companies that continue to invest [...]
DYER J.H. - GREGERSEN H.B. – CHRISTENSEN C.M., The Innovator’s DNA. Harvard Business Review, 2009 Abstract "How do I find innovative people for my organization? And how can I become [...]
HAMEL G., Moon shots for management. Harvard Business Review February 2009 Abstract Management is undoubtedly one of humankind’s most important inventions. For more than a hundred years, advances in management—the [...]
BROWN T., Design Thinking. Harvard Business Review, June, 2008 Abstract Thomas Edison created the electric lightbulb and then wrapped an entire industry around it. The lightbulb is most often thought [...]
DAVENPORT T.H. - IYER B., Reverse Engineering Google’s Innovation Machine. Harvard Business Review, April, 2008 Abstract In the pantheon of internet-based companies, Google stands out as both particularly successful and [...]
NOLOP B., Come realizzare un’acquisizione di successo. Harvard Business Review, ottobre, 2007 Abstract Quando era un banchiere d’investimento, Bruce Nolop vedeva solo l’aspetto più affascinante di un’acquisizione. Da quando è [...]
BUBBIO A., Gli investimenti, colonne portanti della creazione di valore. Amministrazione & Finanza 20/2006 Abstract La redditività degli investimenti è alla base delle decisioni strategiche di un’impresa, il flusso di [...]
RAPPAPORT A., Ten Ways to Create Shareholder Value. Harvard Business Review, settembre 2006 Abstract It's become fashionable to blame the pursuit of shareholder value for the ills besetting corporate America: [...]
BONOMA T.V., Major Sales: who really does the buying?. Harvard Business Review, July - August, 2006 Abstract Many companies’ selling efforts are models of marketing efficiency. Account plans are carefully [...]
RAPPAPORT A., The Economics of Short-Term Performance Obsession. Financial Analysts Journal, volume 61, numero 3, 2005 Abstract A company’s value depends on its longterm ability to generate cash to fund [...]
CALORI G., Progettare i sistemi di tesoreria per gestire i flussi monetari. Amministrazione & Finanza, n. 13/2004 Premessa Le problematiche inerenti la gestione di tesoreria hanno il loro nucleo principale [...]
KATZ J.G. - COLVIN A.J. - BATT R.L., How high performance human resource practices and workforce unionization affect managerial pay. Cornell University, 2001 Abstract Using data from a nationally representative [...]
PORTER M.E. - STERN S., Innovation: Location Matter. Sloan Management review, July, 2001 Abstract The defining challenge for competitiveness has shifted, especially in advanced nations and regions. The challenges of [...]
RAPPAPORT A. - SIROWER M.L., Stock or cash? The Trade Off for Buyers and Sellers in Merger and Acquisition. Harvard Business Review, novembre-dicembre, 1999 Abstract The legendary merger mania of [...]
ZIDER B., How Venture Capital Works. Harvard Business Review, november-dicember, 1998 Abstract Invention and innovation drive the U.S. economy. What’s more, they have a powerful grip on the nation’s collective [...]
DONALDSON G., A New Tool For Boards: The strategic Audit. Harvard Business Review, July-August 1995 In the aftermath of the wave of restructuring that peaked in the 1980s, the corporate [...]
HANDY C., Trust and the virtual organization. Harvard Business Review, May-June 1995 Not long ago, I found myself in the Laurentian Library, which Michelangelo built in Florence for the Medicis [...]
PORTER M.E. – VAN DER LINDE C., Toward a new conception of environment - competitiveness relationships. Journal of Economic Perspectives 9, no. 4, fall 1995 Abstract The relationship between environmental [...]
PORTER M. E., The Competitive Advantage of Nations. New York: Free Press, 1990. CONTENTS National prosperity is created, not inherited. It does not grow out of a country’s natural [...]
DRUCKER P., The Emerging Theory of Manufacturing, Harvard Business Review, 1990 Abstract We cannot build it yet. But already we can specify the “postmodern” factory of 1999. Its essence will [...]
TURNEY P.B., Activity-Based Management, Management Accounting, 1989 Abstract This article examines the role of actiVity-based costing in the achievement of manufacturing excellence. It describes manufacturing excellence and the product cost [...]
ANSARI A., Strategies for the Implementation of JIT Purchasing. International Journal of Physical Distribution, 1986 Abstract In the early 1980s, when the concept of Japanese “just‐in‐time” (JIT) purchasing was introduced [...]
LEVITT T., After the Sale Is Over…, Harvard Business Review, September 1983 Abstract As our economy becomes more service and technology oriented, the dynamics of the sales process will change. [...]
BRUNETTI G., Il governo delle risorse finanziarie: il modello dello sviluppo sostenibile. Banche e banchieri, n.3, 1983 Sommario 1. La nozione di finanza aziendale 2. Gli equilibri caratterizzanti il governo [...]
GALBRAITH J.R., Motivazione, leadership, organizzazione: si possono applicare all'estero le teorie americane?, Sviluppo e Organizzazione, 1980 Questo articolo si basa su una ricerca eseguita nel periodo 1973-1978 all'European Institute for [...]
ROVERSI A., I compiti critici della funzione produzione, Strategie d'Impresa, 1979 Tradizionalmente alla funzione produzione viene assegnato il compito di minimizzazione dei costi entro determinati vincoli di qualità. E' questo [...]
ROCKART J., Chief Executives Define Their Own Data Needs. Harvard Business Review, March 1979 Abstract He could have been the president of any one of a number of successful and [...]
KING W.R. – CLELAND D.I., Environmental Information Systems for Strategic Marketing Planning. Journal of marketing, Vol. 38, 1974 (Acquista)